Your Algo Advisor

The Polaris Advisor is a new generation 24X7 AI-based robo-advisor . Based on users’ preference, such risk, expected return, Sharpe ratio and user perspectives, Polaris advise users’ asset allocation weighting with details trading instructions.
Better still, Polaris will monitor the market and will alert users with assets’ price movement and desired trading instruction, and free users from spending hours of time in monitoring the market.
In the fast moving market, Polaris ‘One-Touch advise’ could give detailed analysis and trading instructions via email in seconds, the time users’s need advices most. Polaris is your 24X7 stock investment guardian !
To control the invesetment level has directly effect on your investment risk.
Diverification on stock investment could effectively lower your portfolio while maintaining your investment exposure.
Stop Loss
Stop-Loss on stock could avoid an individual stock jeopardizing the stock investment portfolio.
Re-balancing your portfolio stocks' weighting periodically could control your portfolio risk level even in rapid moving market.